Xx, Heather

This is so much fun! The plain ornaments spin in the middle of the tree and kids use the markers to decorate each one! You can also order additional ornaments!

Light your Christmas tree with this Magic Light Wand. The kids think this is beyond magical!

Kids build and decorate the snowman and then it “melts” and they start all over! Ours love this so much they each have a set!

Christmas Tree / 3D Felt Christmas Tree / Snowman

This is the answer if you just don’t have the time to cook the gingerbread…or you don’t want to! A reusbale Gingerbread House that snaps together and is ready to decorate for any holiday – Christmas, Winter, Valentine’s Day, Halloween, Birthday, etc.

For those who don’t have a fireplace…or have a fire on Christmas Eve!

There’s nothing as sweet as walking into a room and seeing your child playing with the nativity set!

Holiday / North Pole w/plate / BIG Holiday (for preschoolers) / Christmas Tree / Snowflake